Sensorless IPMSM Control Based on an Extended Nonlinear Observer with Rotational Inertia Adjustment and Equivalent Flux Error Compensation
Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 2150-2161, Nov. 2016

Interior permanent magnet synchronous motors Nonlinear observer Parameter uncertainty Sensorless control
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[IEEE Style]
Y. Mao, J. Yang, D. Yin, Y. Chen, "Sensorless IPMSM Control Based on an Extended Nonlinear Observer with Rotational Inertia Adjustment and Equivalent Flux Error Compensation," Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 2150-2161, 2016. DOI: 10.6113/JPE.2016.16.6.2150.
[ACM Style]
Yongle Mao, Jiaqiang Yang, Dejun Yin, and Yangsheng Chen. 2016. Sensorless IPMSM Control Based on an Extended Nonlinear Observer with Rotational Inertia Adjustment and Equivalent Flux Error Compensation. Journal of Power Electronics, 16, 6, (2016), 2150-2161. DOI: 10.6113/JPE.2016.16.6.2150.