22 kW high‑efficiency IPT system for wireless charging of electric vehicles
Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 374-386, Feb. 2023

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[IEEE Style]
J. Park, J. Oh, Y. Bok, I. Lee, "22 kW high‑efficiency IPT system for wireless charging of electric vehicles," Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 374-386, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s43236-022-00569-w.
[ACM Style]
Jeong-Uk Park, Ji-Min Oh, Young-Han Bok, and Il-Oun Lee. 2023. 22 kW high‑efficiency IPT system for wireless charging of electric vehicles. Journal of Power Electronics, 23, 2, (2023), 374-386. DOI: 10.1007/s43236-022-00569-w.